Courses on Intimacy
Intimacy & Sensuality
Tantric Massage for Beginners
25 short, easy-to-follow video lessons. Learn over 10 techniques to deeply pleasure and connect with your partner. Knowledge is power! Learn some background information behind tantric practises
Overcome Sexual Blockages
25 short, easy-to-follow video lessons. Learn over 10 techniques to deeply pleasure and connect with your partner. Knowledge is power! Learn some background information behind tantric practises
Lingam Massage
Dedicate 60min to worship, nurture & pleasure your lover's Lingam... simply follow the audio guide
Self-Pleasuring Adventure
An exquisite self-exploration audio guided meditation, to discover your body like never before.
Mindful Feminine Orgasms
Give yourself the gift of reclaiming your sexual desire and tap into your deepest orgasms in a mindful, feminine way.
Practicing Surrender
Let you body surrender and enjoy the orgasmic benefits of no longer chasing control.
Embodied & Empowered Sexuality
This course will help you to empower your sexuality and unlock your true desires. What does embodiment mean? What are the best practices & tools to get into your own embodiment.
Sacred Sexuality
Reclaim your absolute orgasmic fullness with this course on the fundamentals of Sacred SexualityDiscover 3 tools to deepen intimacy, connection and love for couples
Pillow for Couples
We have bottled up some powerful ways to strengthen intimacy in your relationship, because we know it can be difficult to stay deeply connected throughout our busy lives.
The Erotic Playground
Have the BEST se x of your life! This is not just an intimacy building course, it's a life long journey of playful pleasure that you walk together. Deep, Open, Fun, Excitement, Passion, & Love!
Sacred Sex Course
Ecstatic Sacred Love Healing Meditation - 4 guided practices to overcome comon blocks like; Shame, Unworthiness, Feeling Broken. Activate your innate sensual glow, and heighten your sexual energy
Lingam Tantric Massage
Give him a healing experience that will change his relationship with pleasure.